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太可怕了!我現在一有時間便會看 Sarah Paulson 與 Holland Taylor 的新聞,她們的愛情太有啟發性,太令人感動。 節錄以下Sarah 訪問內容: " I do want to live responsibly and truthfully without hiding. It's complicated, because there is a lot of hate in this world, and a lot of good can come from quote-unquote normalizing something for people who don't see it as normal " " Our relationship represents a certain amount of hope and risk. Maybe there's something brave in it. Maybe it encourages others to make brave choices. What else can I say? We love each other. " -Jan 2018 magazine interview In a 2018 interview with Elle magazine, Paulson spoke about how she hopes that her relationship with Taylor can be an inspiration to others. " I didn't choose to fall in love with the person I fell in love with. But I think why it's interesting to people is that on paper, it's unconventional," she told the publication. "For a person who might find themselves in a situation that they fea...