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顯示從 2月, 2013 起發佈的文章


今年開年是吃大家樂的盤菜,不知何年開始,做節、團年、開年已經在餐廳渡過。還記得小時候做節都是在家的,不同節日吃上不同的時節食品。團年會吃上海炒年糕,自己做的臘肉。每一個時節都有其代表的食物,到了今時今日卻變得很模糊。 家裡的一家之主已年屆七十,已經不能應付十人的飯餸,所以做節都變了在外用餐。突然才感到出現了斷層的情況,雖然有四個女兒,她們都有自己的家庭,但這個傳統沒有人承接下來,下一代便會失去了我們對「家」擁有的傳統及回憶。而我想老人家對這份「傳統」比我還要重視。如果我能延續這一個傳統相信會為她帶來溫暖及快樂。

很燦爛! 新年有了她們增添了不少氣紛






牡丹是我喜愛的花之一。我喜歡她的美貌,豐滿。特別是新年,淡淡的粉紅不像其他年花俗氣。花瓣綻出層次美讓你百看不厭。 有時候會禁不住輕撫細滑的花瓣,薄細如絲般的質感,令你不敢對她有半點粗野。無論是花蕾或是盛放的牡丹,都帶著不同的美,令我在做其他事的時候,都會停一停,定一定神去欣賞她。

Thoughts about home

Inspired by <apartmento> Home is a representation of one self, especially when you live alone. It is a collection of you. When you live with others, it is a mixture and a balance of all members. It could be dominant by a particular member. But bedroom, should be where represents you the most when you are sharing home with others. If you want to learn more about yourself or someone, I guess observing where they live would give you great ideas. I didn't reckon my fond of books until I really look at my place and dig deeper, I realize my interest in cooking and design, as 70% of my books are cookbook and interior / graphic design books. That imprints my real love. It would be fun to look at people's place as well. It is like knowing others without speaking and communicating. But the information is so true and deep down.