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顯示從 11月, 2012 起發佈的文章

Apartamento Issue #10

Latest issue is out! My new love of quarterly magazine. Can be found at Kapok. Just noticed, apartamento is also available at metro books

The Travel Almanac

New Try, was attracted by the colour of it!  Hope it will be a good read! This one was found in Kapok, always find nice stuff there! Address: G/F.3 Sun Steet, Wanchai

來自 Obscura 的理念與啟發

這也是我喜歡寫 Blog 的原因: 透過文字、相片及音樂,建立獨立視角, 記錄世界、生活值得關注的人和事。當中不一定是宏大事件,卻可能是生活中值得駐足觀看、思索,然後再慢慢細味。 分享的可愛之處是其產生的漣漪,可能是微不足道的數十隻字,但為別人帶來的影響可以是超乎想像。這是一個渠道為素為謀面的知音人分享所你認知的,提供更多resources 把那份渴求延續下去。 閱讀的奇妙之處在於透過文字學習知識,擴闊視野,啟發意考,繼續探索。

Obscura Autumn 2012 - Issue 10

看了 Obscura 差不多一年了,還記得我帶著隨書附送的手套到New York 旅行,相距今天已一年。 最新一期的秋季號剛剛出版,發現自己越來越喜歡看 Obscura。喜歡Obscura 不只因為它是季刊,書的理念及篇幅設計也合我的口味。 發覺今期變得更加易讀了, 可能字少了,相反更加享受編者為讀者帶來的內容。 今期的小禮物是皮製 bookmark,很有心思。

Keep Mov'in

I love magazines which published quarterly, because my reading speed is just too slow. I really take months to finish reading a magazine. I truly believe I have attention deficit disorder.

Music Broadcast : So Nice - Diana Krall Live in Rio

Beautiful Lyrics: Someone to hold me tight That would be very nice Someone to love me right That would be very nice Someone to understand Each little dream in me Someone to take my hand And be a team with me So nice, life would be so nice If one day I'd find Someone who would take my hand And samba through life with me Someone to cling to me Stay with me right or wrong Someone to sing to me Some little samba song Someone to take my heart And give his heart to me Someone who's ready to Give love a start with me Oh yes, that would be so nice, nice Shouldn't we, you and me? I could see it would be nice Someone to cling to me Stay with me right or wrong Someone to sing to me Some little samba song Someone to take my heart And give his heart to me Someone who's ready to Give love a start with me Oh yes, life would be so nice, nice Shouldn't we, you and me? I can see it would be nice


感覺有很多東西可以分享。雖然年年都會到台灣,有趣的是每次都有不同、有新的體驗,不論是人和事。 相反,有些第一次去的國家,去 ﹣﹣> 去完,沒用特別感覺,沒有東西覺得值得分享。沒有就是沒有, 不想刻意去寫。 很欣賞台灣人待人、處事的心及態度, 是台灣可愛的地方,是香港沒有的東西。