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多多益善小小無拘 - 贊助本網站

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Someone loves her, someone hates her

Hong Kong, many born here said they didn’t know this place and they didn’t like this place. They want to be anywhere but not Hong Kong. Many, not born here but love Hong Kong and knew so much about Hong Kong. I guess if you don’t understand or know someone/something, you cannot like or hate it. Hong Kong can be different if you see it differently. It all depends what angle you choose to look at it. It could be heaven, it could be hell, why hell?


食材就好像人一樣, 每種都是獨有的,而且性格不同; 有相似的人, 但沒有完全一樣的人。 烹飪就如認識和了解每個朋友一樣, 理解他們的喜好與特性。例如誰跟誰特別夾或跟誰合不來。過程都要用心、耐性、經驗心思學習培養。當建立了一定的基礎,後事便變得容易,順暢。學問高深,千變萬化。