太可怕了!我現在一有時間便會看 Sarah Paulson 與 Holland Taylor 的新聞,她們的愛情太有啟發性,太令人感動。
節錄以下Sarah 訪問內容:
"I do want to live responsibly and truthfully without hiding. It's complicated, because there is a lot of hate in this world, and a lot of good can come from quote-unquote normalizing something for people who don't see it as normal"
"Our relationship represents a certain amount of hope and risk. Maybe there's something brave in it. Maybe it encourages others to make brave choices. What else can I say? We love each other."
-Jan 2018 magazine interview
In a 2018 interview with Elle magazine, Paulson spoke about how she hopes that her relationship with Taylor can be an inspiration to others.
"I didn't choose to fall in love with the person I fell in love with. But I think why it's interesting to people is that on paper, it's unconventional," she told the publication. "For a person who might find themselves in a situation that they fear will be misperceived or judged, maybe they could see me living my life in a way that is authentic to me — just trying to be as real as possible."
She concluded, "If that inspires anybody else, that can't be a bad thing."
Sarah 選擇了一個非常勇敢的處理手法,而她所作的決定超越了個人的考慮因素,而是希望透過自己去鼓勵世界上同樣面對類近處境的人。而我是一個素未謀面,相隔十萬九千公里的一個 no body,也同樣被她們鼓勵及影響。那股無遠弗屆的力量是跨種族、地域、語言,這才是令我驚訝的地方。所以不要小覷自己的行為,力量,縱然在你的眼中有多微不足道,其實已經播下種子,靜待機會給有緣人遇上。
更多有關 Sarah 與 Holland 的訪問節錄: