用橄欖油煮食已有十多年,幾年前媒體開始報導橄欖油不適合高溫煮食什至煮食,因為橄欖油的冒煙點(smoke point) 低,高溫令橄欖油釋出有害物質。試試在網上找,會搜出很多相關報導。從此,煮食時總有點忌諱,但又未找到橄欖油的代替品。
最近看無線電視節目《為食3姊妹》,第一集介紹食油,廚師Ricky Yu亦指出橄欖油不適合高溫煮食。但上星期五(2016年6月10日)的《東張西望》,莫樹錦醫生卻說橄欖油的冒煙點其實不算低(200 度),所以高溫煮食煮食是可以的。
結果在網上找找,也找不到一致的說法,外國有較多的討論及研究。不過,肯定的是橄欖油也很多種,包括精煉(refined oil) 的橄欖油, extra virgin olive oil (不同質量),olive oil。當中extra virgin olive oil的營養最好,smoke point 也較高(約200 度)。原來200度已經是好高了,高溫油炸都只是180 度。基本上一般煮食也不會用200 度。所以橄欖油smoke point 低而不適合煮食或高溫煮食好像不太準確。
另外,好不好也是一個比較詞。反觀橄欖油是眾多油中營養價值名列前茅。Extra Virgin Olive Oil 73%是穩定的單元不飽和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fatty acid),14%是更穩定的飽和脂肪酸,僅有11%是多元不飽和脂肪酸;即是87% 的橄欖油是不飽和脂肪酸,它有著抗高溫的特性。而單元不飽和脂肪酸亦有助減低血液中的壞膽固醇(LDL)及提升好的膽固醇(HDL)的功能。
總結,從營養角度看,橄欖油絕對是好選擇;但選擇高質量的橄欖油也相當重要。重申,我不是科學家,以上的內容都是從網上的文章分析及綜合出來。如上所說,對於橄欖油是否適合煮食或高溫煮食仍各執一詞。綜觀,反對以橄欖油煮食的,一般以smoke point 為主要理據,但以上已分析這個說法不太正確; 再者,也找不證據證明橄欖油於高溫時釋放有害物質。
相反,認為橄欖油適合食用或煮食的,不單會分析smoke point,還會分析其營養成份及其營養價值。對我而言,的確減少了對橄欖油的迷思; 而我會繼續使用橄欖油,但會避免極高溫而出煙的狀況,因為高溫會令橄欖油的味道消失,而且常吃煎炸食物也不健康。
回覆刪除I read the above article and found, unrefined olive oil (extra virgin / virgin), lowest oleic acid (extra virgin olive oil below 0.8g/100ml, while virgin olive oil below 2g/100ml), smoking point can be as high as 400 degrees F. While olive oil is very low in omega 6. I picked extra virgin olive oil for home cooking. The stove in Chinese restaurant seems to be too strong that the temperature may be up to 600 degrees F which is over the smoking point of all kinds of cooking oil.
Hi Chrisizi Cat,
回覆刪除Thanks for the link and your comment. I think Chinese Restaurants seldom use Olive oil, so I guess olive oil won't be an issue there. But what oil they use is another question :p
As said in your link, quality of the oil is really the key. To me, I won't use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for cooking coz I think it is too delicate and the lovely aroma is gone after heat. So I use it for salad or cold appetiser . I use extra virgin olive oil for cooking like stir fry, I never use olive oil for deep fry.
Of course, there is no perfect oil, they could be better in different ways. I choose olive oil because I love its taste and the overall nutritional value is relatively high among the cooking oils in the market.