It is so important to know how to order your steak in French:
1- Rare = Bleu (core temperature 45/47 C ) ?
2- Medium rare = saignant ( core temperatue 50/52C )
3- Medium = A point / medium ( core temperature 55/60 C )
4- Medium well = cuit ( core temperature 63/65C )
5- Well done = bien cuit ( core temperature 70/72C ) similar to medium well in other countries other than France
Quote from trip advisor forum
"It is not easy to get a well cooked steak in France, as they believe (in my opinion correctly) that overcooking a steak makes it tough; but if you really want one you have to go through the très très bien cuit routine (very very well cooked)"
In my experience, French standard is 1 level down than universal standard. And they tend to eat rare in general (from my observation).
Canard = Duck
Beurre = butter
Jambon = Ham
Gambas (Spanish) = Prawn
huitres = oyster
Let's learn something important while you are travelling in France
6月 29, 2015