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It is the last day of the exhibition. I was lucky enough to catch it today. Tribute to the magazine March 2010. When I was near the entrance, the music inside has pushed my adrenaline level to maximum, and I got so excited.
Walking into the venue, it filled up by local young people as well as quite a number of westerns. Wandering through the blocks, it did remind me of the exhibition two years ago held at the former police headquarter in Central. Rooms were decorated by local artists with their "art pieces". The corridor was totally packed with people basically everyone was holding a camera.
I was totally suffocated with the number of cameras. It was just a bit too much. I imagined if the exhibition does not allow people to bring camera, how many visitors are still going. But it just makes the exhibition more relax and enjoyable. I think the purpose of going to the exhibition was dragged away by shooting than the content of the exhibition. I barely saw anyone was reading the board hanging on the wall, which this exhibition is meant to be.
I think the trend of having a DSLR is just overwhelming these days. And every teenager is having one and somehow the camera has dominated their thinkings. Or they come to practice their shooting skills. I wonder how much they really absorb from the exhibition.
Even said so, we still need more exhibitions. I am so pleased to learn one of the HK bands called Chochukmo from the show. They were one of the performers of the show. I am really surprised by their music and standard which is kinda rare in Hong Kong. I had a chance to speak with them briefly. This is totally rewarding.